ITBS Registration 2025
Master’s Academy is offering standardized ITBS testing for homeschooled students (3rd-8th grade). You do not have to attend Master’s Academy to sign up for testing. Reserve your child’s spot by March 15th!
Testing is on May 12-13 from 9:00am until 1:00pm each day. Testing will be held at Master’s Academy in Marietta: 2060 Lower Roswell Rd. Suite 400, Marietta 30068. All testing is completed in a classroom setting. Some grades may have a shorter day on Tuesday.
Use the form (below or on the right) to register for ITBS Testing. Space is limited. We will follow up with a confirmation after receiving registration information from you.
In order to complete the form, you must pay the non refundable ITBS fee online through our square store (in the miscellaneous section) and enter the receipt number in the required blank:
$125 per child
Complete one form per child (you can include the same receipt number if you paid together for registration).
Test Results will be emailed approximately 6 weeks after the test date.
By registering for ITBS testing, you are committing for your child to be tested and you understand that no refunds will be given if he or she is unable to attend our testing dates.
Contact administration with questions: Contact us, or 678-503-8245.